Wednesday, February 29, 2012

At the bus stop next to three girls having a strange conversation. One of them is trying to swallow a pill. She keeps drinking water and saying, "it won't go down!" One of the others said, "that happens to me all the time. My gag reflex is like, out of control."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

At the bus stop in the freezing wind, all bundled up next to three other people all bundled up. Then along comes a man in shorts and a t-shirt. The gal next to me announced, "that man thinks it's summer. I applaud you, man, cause I'm freezing."
On the 5. It's pretty crowded on account of outside being freezing.

Monday, February 27, 2012

On the 140, next to a guy with freakishly white shoes. Across from me is a guy in a spider sweatshirt, rapping alobg to his iPod and stomping his feet. Next to him is a guy wearing a baseball cap emblazoned with a glittering marijuana leaf. I really wish I could film the rapper. He's got some interesting dance moves going on. Also, he is chewing on some kind of identification bracelet. He's having a hard time choosing between rapping and chewing, resulting in the end of the bracelet just sitting in his mouth getting slobbered on while he continues to rap.
He's gone. His replacement is a guy with a two-point beard, an eye-patch, and neon blue and orange shoes.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

On the 140, with.... a cat? I can hear it loud and clear, but I cannot see where it is!
The tough-looking guy across from me-- with his shades, tattoos, and gangsta hat-- is blasting Justin Bieber on his headphones. The sad part is, it's not the worst noise on here. That cat is going nuts. I didn't think cats were allowed on the bus.
On the 777, in front of a kid with creepy crimson contact lenses.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

On the 766 and nothing exciting is going on at all because I am right next to a cop. His name is an order: C Moore. I wish he'd see a little less so the people surrounding him wouldn't be so unentertaining. And now I'm getting off. Oh, and would you look at that-- someone left a banana peel on his or her seat.
Waiting for the 8 next to a cross-eyed man pushing a shopping cart containing a large bag of popcorn and an empty liquor bottle. We have now been joined by a large woman drinking a 2-liter bottle of Dr. Pepper.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Somebody Left Their Sock on the 140

I wish I had been on the 140 yesterday at the same time this other guy was, because he is telling me all about the couple that brought in a baby stroller filled with boxes of candy bars. He said they just kept pulling them out from under the blankets.
On the 8, across from a guy in a long black coat covered in metal studs. He has a very pokey looking mohawk and tattoos of stars on both hands.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On the 140 next to a shaggy looking guy with '80s shades.
I was talking to a guy about how you can fix a phone after it's been in water by putting it in a bag of rice. Then this other guy pipes up, "so if I get drunk, I just got to lay in a bag of rice?" The guy I was talking to is now talking about how he got married while he was in prison. And now he's been married twelve years, so I guess it worked out.
I'm on the 8, and there are two people on here that have black eyes. The 8 doesn't even haul the rough crowds! It's main purpose is usually to take people to and from the mall.
So much for not hauling the rough crowd around; I am now across from a girl with a ripped black t shirt, black and purple hair, and lip ring. She is glaring and grinding her teeth.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

140 on Valentine's Day. I'm surrounded by couples, giggling girls, kids in pink, and a guy with a big cut across his forehead. The guy behind me just said, "now adays we've got some pretty good-looking dentures." He is discussing with another person how he get find them cheap.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Next to a stinky guy on the 777.
Now I'm on a very full 140. I'm across from a guy with yellow hair and pink spikes in his ears. And now I am next to a different stinky guy. An old man is shouting that he is going to move to Saudi Arabia so he doesn't have to worry about gas prices.
The air conditioner has just been turned on. It's only forty degrees outside! What is wrong with this driver?
This driver is some kind of cold blooded freak! He just keeps cranking the air up. It feels pleasant when the doors open!
And now I am next to a lesbian couple. They're giving each other hickies. I want off!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

140. Rush hour. Crowded. Sadly, there is no one exciting to blog about. Scratch that-- the girl with the blue hair who insists her friend's phone is on crack is on again! She's on the phone saying, "don't you know you're being evil right now?"
On the 8. The old guy next to me is saying "the worst thing you could ever do is keep your mouth shut."
Now he's talking to a young guy about the military: "they wouldn't take me. My blood's too thin. Got medicine in my refrigerator, but you can't get high on it so I only take it after surgery."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

On the 140. A short and round man just brought a big set of plastic drawers aboard. I wonder what the official rules are about what you can and can't bring on the bus. I also wonder what is in those plastic drawers, but they're turned away from me.
A really scary-looking guy is playing this disgusting rap music really loudly. It's against the rules; I don't know why people do it. Get some headphones! Oh, good, he got off. His seat was taken by a guy with a number of different scenes tattooed on his arms including what looks like a zombie fight and a dragon attack.
At the bus stop now, next to a guy drinking yogurt right out of the yogurt pot. And he's started to play with his food-- blobbing it all over the ground and the wall he's sitting on.
Sitting at the bus stop.
In the cold.
Next to a pile of vomit.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Bad Bus Day

Screaming kids on the 777. I want off!
On the 140 now. I want to be back on the 777. It is packed and I'm squished. Oh, wonderful, the bus just broke down. And now I'm on the side of the road with a crew of thugs, hobos, students, and one girl in scrubs.
The 141 just arrived and out driver loaded us up onto it saying, "have a good day!" Now we have two buses full of people all crammed on to one bus. A bus whose last stop is a mile away from where I need to be.
The gal next to me is carrying a purse with a blown-up surgical glove sticking out the side. The kid across from me has an extremely short buzz cut, but he has a hair brush sticking out of his pocket.
To finish this story, I got off the 141 and went to get a hot chocolate while waiting for the 140. The 140 came during the five minutes I was in the coffee shop, granting me another forty minutes of waiting at the bus stop. Sometimes, I hate the bus.

Friday, February 3, 2012

On the 140 next to a guy with seriously cool tattoos of his humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges all over his arm
Waiting for the 8 next to a guy dressed completely in white. He is singing to himself. Now he is getting angry over how long the bus is taking to get here. He's throwing his cigarette around and shouting, "I coulda had a burger, fries n coke and it still wouldn't be here!"
Finally on the bus. Everyone else on here is super old and gray. That's really strange.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

On the 8. The driver's in an awful hurry. As soon as I got on she slammed on the gas. Anyone getting on is have trouble not falling on the way to their seats.
On the 140 now. Next to Hagrid / Hurley and a guy who is high or mentally unstable. The latter is talking to me a lot. "How are you? My name's Ray. Are you okay? I'm okay."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sitting behind a guy with a nice black shirt and nice black pants and a hat with doggie ears on it. Nice touch. And now there's a bum asking everyone on the bus for change. A really big dude is standing right in front of the door. It really bugs me when people do that. Everyone else is forced to squeeze around him.
Interesting couple just got on. He has half a head of long hair. She has long pink, black, and white hair. She's a good three inches taller than he is.
On the 8 now. I'm next to two middle school boys, whispering and giggling to each other. The only words I caught were "beef stroganoff." The old lady in front of me has her hair put up with 3 ponytail holders and at least 7 barrettes. The guy across from me is having a lovely snack of Mountain Dew and beef jerky.
Beef jerky guy is staring at me over the top of his sunglasses. It's creeping me out a bit.