Monday, February 13, 2012


Next to a stinky guy on the 777.
Now I'm on a very full 140. I'm across from a guy with yellow hair and pink spikes in his ears. And now I am next to a different stinky guy. An old man is shouting that he is going to move to Saudi Arabia so he doesn't have to worry about gas prices.
The air conditioner has just been turned on. It's only forty degrees outside! What is wrong with this driver?
This driver is some kind of cold blooded freak! He just keeps cranking the air up. It feels pleasant when the doors open!
And now I am next to a lesbian couple. They're giving each other hickies. I want off!


  1. I read next to a skinny guy, and thought how skinny does one have to be to be referred to as skinny by you. Skinny would be better than stinky.

  2. And when they're skinny, they just take up one seat, instead of two or three.
