Friday, September 23, 2011


On the 140 heading home from interning. I'm on a mostly empty bus, but it'll fill up fast. Guy with super long nails is sitting next to me, and two friends with matching red shirts just got on. Two girls in matching hoodies are now sitting next to me. The themes on the bus are very amusing sometimes. Off the 140, waiting for the 8. I sat down on the bench next to a gal with a lip piercing and way too much lip gloss. She all of a sudden bursts out laughing-- loud hysterical laughter-- then she told me "I just remembered something funny. I work at Goodwill and every time I wanna buy something, by the end of my shift it's gone. I'm not allowed to hide it cause they got cameras." She laughed about every five words.
Now I'm on the bus next to some really stinky people, and a girl with neon pink hair, a yellow crocheted headband, and a huge nosering. The bus just ran over something. I have no idea what it was, but it was really loud. Found out what it was! The bikerack sign on the front of the bus... Well that's where it used to be, anyway.
Hundred-year-old lady with a rainbow gardening hat and green pants and vest just got on, and Pink Hair back here is throwing a tantrum. She just made this squealy noise and said, "sorry, I squeal often."

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